Why Choose Us
Getting to Case Resolution More Efficiently
Our mission at Industrial Health is to assist in case resolution of the injured worker. By combining traditional Physical Therapy with advanced, customized Work Hardening or Conditioning, we create the most beneficial, applicable rehabilitation programs for each worker. Our facilities are second to none in terms of being flexible enough to create accurate work simulation environments, and our team of therapists has the expertise to develop results-producing programs.
The Industrial Health Difference
We provide injured workers with the opportunity to perform his or her specific work skill set. This progressive program safely moves the injured worker through functional rehabilitation within a timeline. Rather than waste time with scattered one-hour appointments over many weeks or months, it simulates a daily work schedule and allows the evaluator to determine when and in what capacity the injured worker can return to work.
Industrial Health follows the Official Disability Guidelines (ODG) as its main protocol, maximizing both safety and efficiency in the progression of injured workers. Case resolution is accomplished through the implementation of Physical Therapy (including Work Simulation), Functional Capacity Evaluations (FCE), and Work Hardening and Conditioning programs.
Return on Investment
Investing more up front in medical benefits, like an industrial program results in lower insurance premiums, and reduces back-end costs associated with lost time by breaking the cycle of injury and re-injury. Ultimately, an industrial program makes up for higher costs up front by minimizing the other costs associated with worker’s compensation in the long run.
Cost Per Patient 2012-2013
Patients Discharged 2012-Current
Source: Industrial Health